Saturday, December 26, 2015

Imam Hussain (a.s) – A Brief Biographical & Historical Overview

Born on the 3rd of Shabaan (10.1.626 AD), Hussain (a.s) was Lady Fatima’s (a.s) and Ali Ibn Abi Talib’s (a.s) second son, and Holy Prophet’s (s) second grandson. Hussain (a.s) was therefore Shi’ite sect’s third Imam. He belonged to a family that the Prophet (s) honored by the name of “Ahlul-bayt” (people of Prophet’s house). And the Ahlul-bayt were entitled this salutation by Allah Himself during the revelation of Ayat al-Tathir’ or Verse of Purification (Holy Quran, 33:33) to the Prophet (s) at the event of Hadith Al-Kisa or the Narration of the Cloak that has been discussed in one of the previous articles. When Hussain (a.s) was born, the Prophet (s) took the baby from maidservant, Asma’s arms and recited the Adhan as well as the Iqamah in Hussain’s (a.s) right and left ear respectively. Here, the Prophet (s) himself familiarized his grandson (a.s) with the name of Almighty God for the first time.
The naming of this third Shi’ite Imam (a.s) is worth mentioning due to its eloquent anointment. On Hussain’s (a.s) seventh day of birth, an angel had come from Allah who said, “Just as Haroon was the brother, sympathizer, and helper in each and every difficulty of Moses (a.s), similarly Ali (a.s) is your sympathizer, helper and brother in each and every matter of yours. Therefore, keep the name of this child upon the name of Haroon’s son, Shabeer (Hussain).” Here, it is then seen that the Almighty God selected Lady Fatima’s (a.s) second son’s name Himself just as He did for her first son and Hussain’s (a.s) brother, Hassan (a.s). In addition, upon Imam Hussain’s (a.s) birth, the Prophet (s) mentioned the following Hadith (saying), “Hussain-o-Minni wa Ana Minul Hussain (Hussain is from me and I am from Hussain).” It should be noted here that the Prophets of Allah communicate spiritually and not materially. Thus, the Prophet (s) here has made a reference to Islam – the religion of Allah for which He assigned its establishment on Earth as a mission. Any diversion in this mission would have nullified Allah’s purpose of creation. The aforementioned hadith then refers to Imam Hussain (a.s) accepting the role of a savior who saves the Islamic mission from destruction via sacrificing his life in the event of Karbala.
Hussain’s (a.s) Imamate lasted for ten years, the last six months of which were spent encountering Ma’awiyah’s caliphate. The latter period had made the living conditions of the Imam and his people (a.s) difficult as a result of suppression and persecution. Religious laws and regulations had lost most of their worth and credibility due to the Umayyad government gaining superiority in authority and power. In addition, Mu’awiyah and his followers used all means possible to get rid of the Prophet’s household (pbut) as well as the Shi’ah in order to obliterate Imam Ali’s (a.s) and Ahlulbayt’s (a.s) influence in matters of religious power among the people. Furthermore, Mu’awiyah intended on strengthening the basis of caliphate for his son, Yazid. Yazid at the time faced opposition from majority of the Muslims due to his lack of principles and scruples. Quelling this opposition paradigm would have made Mu’awiyah stabilize his power with newer and severe measures. Thus, force and necessity had made Imam Hussain (a.s) endure this period and tolerate agony, and affliction both mentally as well as spiritually from Mu’awiyah and his followers until the event of Karbala (60 A.H) during which the Imam (a.s), his family members and his aides faced tragedious affliction under Mu’awiyah’s son, Yazid.
Hussain’s (a.s) character was exemplary. Being a Muslim and a follower of his father, Ali’s (a.s) path, he displayed determination for defending the truth with every opportunity from a very young age. He warned people about any alternations that may have been made to the religion of Islam following Prophet’s (s) demise. An example depicting Hussain’s (a.s) good manners along with his father, Ali’s (a.s) and his brother, Hassan’s (a.s) is the case of Abu Dhar who had been a close companion of the Prophet (s) and faced exile as a result of his complaints against Islamic deviations under the rule of the third Caliph at the time. Despite this Caliph forbidding everyone from bidding their farewell to Abu Dhar upon exile, Imam Ali, Hassan and Hussain (a.s) all went to bid their farewells and express their objections to the tyrant ruler. Upon departing, Hussain (a.s) faced Abu Dhar and said, “Dear Uncle, the Almighty Lord is powerful and able. He can change everything that has happened to you. These people seized your comfort, world, and life. Yet, you protected your religion from their deviations; truly you are not in need of this world and the people dependant upon this world. Their world has no value in your eyes, even though they are in great need of your way in life. Strengthen your heart and refrain from greediness and lowliness. Do not fear, and seek refuge in Allah, for perseverance is a sign of faithfulness and greatness.”
Hussain (a.s) had been an active participant in the society. His role as a witness in the Hakamiyah arbitration between his father, Ali (a.s) and Mu’awiyah is a clear example. Moreover, he was raised and trained by Islam’s greatest defender, Ali (a.s) in addition to learning courage and bravery from him. His good manners and respectful attitude has also been displayed via his interactions with his brother, Hassan (a.s) whom he obeyed and respected immensely. The historians have recorded this meritorious part of his pious character through a narration from Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s), “Due to the high respect that Imam Hussain (a.s) held for his brother, he refrained from walking ahead of or talking before his brother, Imam Hassan (a.s).”
Allah, in the Holy Quran has acknowledged Hussain’s (a.s) sacred existence via several verses that were revealed when the Imam (a.s) was still a child. An example constitutes Allah commanding all Muslims to love those closely related to His Apostle, “Say: I do not ask of you any reward for it but love for my near relatives?” (Holy Quran 42:32). When the Prophet’s (s) companions inquired from him about these ‘near relatives,’ the Prophet (s) responded, “They are Ali, Fatima and their two children.”

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