Saturday, January 16, 2016

Al-Ghadeer: History’s biggest marginalized fact

Islam & Day of Al-Ghadeer

By: Hussein Al-Rumaithi

Couple of days ago Shia Muslims around the word celebrated the most important holiday in their calendar, which marks the anniversary of Imam Ali’s appointment by God, as Prophet Mohammad’s successor and Caliph of Muslims. However, this specific day in Islamic Calendar defines the entire Shia doctrine toward the topic of Imamate and succession, which must be conducted by God and according to Shia traditional and theological sources the events of Al-Ghadeer form the divine principles for Imam Ali’s appointment. Therefore, this day and its events have altered, denied, wrongfully explained, marginalized and misinterpreted by Sunni scholars throughout history. However, dissecting the contextual facts leading to the incident and the details surrounding this day will reveal one of the most horrendous crimes against humanity and Islam in history by marginalizing this day and its importance.

Ghadeer Khom
The holiday of Al-Ghadeer is named after the place, which the events of Al-Ghadeer took place at, as this place is an intersection, where Muslims returning from Mecca (Haj) deviate and choose their path toward their cities and nations. During the early days of Islam, when Muslims returned from Haj, Ghadeer Khom was the place, where people from Medina headed to their city and people from Egypt and other places headed to their home lands as well. Therefore, this specific land was very well  known to Muslims and people of Arabia during that time.

Verse of Announcement
The events leading to the appointment of Imam Ali as Prophet Mohammad’s successor started by the revelation of this verse upon Prophet Mohammad, which is the 67th verse of Chapter 5: “O’ Messenger, announce that which has been revealed to you from your lord, and if you do not, then you have not conveyed his message. And Allah will protect you from the people”. This verse clearly indicates that the message, which the Prophet had been ordered to announce held great importance, as  God stated that not announcing this message will equal not conveying and finishing the prophecy and message of Allah. Therefore, according to historic sources prophet Mohammad stopped at Ghadeer Khom and ordered that all caravans, which had passed Ghadeer Khom to return and wait for other caravans to arrive at Ghadeer Khom.

Ghadeer Sermon
According to Islamic historic sources the number of people present at that day succeeded 120,000 people, which also adds to the importance of this day and the message, which Prophet Mohammad was about to announce.  During the hot weather of Arabia desert, Prophet Mohammad gathered all Muslims and ordered a rostrum to be made from the camel saddles, and he prayed the noon prayer and delivered a sermon, which is known as Al-Ghadeer sermon. During this sermon Prophet Mohammad recited many verses from the Quran, which reminded the Muslims and warned them about their deeds and future. In addition, the main part of the sermon is the following: “who is above Muslims and their selves and wealth? People replied: Allah and his messenger are above Muslims, their selves and wealth. The Prophet Mohammad continued and said: Whomever I am his master, Ali is his master. O’ Allah be with whoever is with Ali, hostile to whoever is hostile to Ali, and support whoever supports Ali, and disheartens whoever disheartens Ali.

Once the sermon was finished, Prophet Mohammad and Imam Ali say in a tent and Imam Ali received oath of allegiance from all Muslims (Men & Women), as everyone, who attended that event entered and saluted Imam Ali as commander of the faithful and successor of the Prophet. Leading companions and Muslims such as Jabir Ibn Abdulla, Salma the Persian, Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, Abu Bakr, Othman and others were among the first to give allegiance to Imam Ali, and salute him as commander of the faithful.
After Prophet Mohammad finished his sermon, another important verse was revealed to him, which indicated that the announcement of that message was equivalent to finishing and sealing the religion. The 3rd verse of chapter 5 in the Quran, which was revealed to Prophet Mohammad after the Ghadeer sermon states: “This day I have perfected your religion for you, and completed my favor upon you and have chosen for you Islam as your religion. Therefore, it was obvious since Prophet Mohammad had indicated that he was performing his last pilgrimage that year, along with all the mentioned phrases and sentences, appointment of Imam Ali was done by Allah as one of the final commands.

Narrators and Sources of Al-Ghadeer event
The events, sermon and details of Al-Ghadeer and what had happened during that day, are among the events and details that are unanimously narrated by thousands of companions and followers, including the holy household of Prophet Mohammad. The list narrators and sources of this event is as following:
  • Ahlul Bayt (Holy household of Prophet Mohammad), Imam Ali, Lady Fatima Al-Zahra, Imam Al-Hassan, Imam Al-Hussein.
  • 110 leading and prominent companions such as, Jabir Ibn Abdullah Al-Ansari, Salman the Persian, Abu Dhar Al-Ghifari, Ammar Ibn Yasir, Zubir Ibn Al-Awwam, Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, Othman Ibn Affan, Abu Huraira, Ayesha (wife of Prophet Mohammad) and many other companions.
  • 83 Followers, or what are known as (Tabe’un) in Islamic history and chain of narrators. Salim Ibn Abdallah, Omar II and Tawus Ibn Kaysan are among most famous followers, who have narrated the events of Al-Ghadeer.
  • 360 Sunni scholars have also narrated the events, sermon and details of Al-Ghadeer in their books and traditional sources. The founder of Shafi’I school in Sunni Islam and the founder of Hanbali School are among the leading Sunni scholars narrating the event of Al-Ghadeer. Other scholars like Al-Nasa’I, Ibn Al-Maghazili, Al-Shahristani and Ahmad Ibn Abdallah are other prominent scholars, who have narrated this event in their sources and books.
  • Prominent Shia scholars like Al-Kulayni, Sharif Al-Murtadha, Sharif Al-Radhi, Shaykh Al-Mufid, Ibn Babawiy and others among the leading narrators of this event in their sources and books.
The event of Al-Ghadeer and its narrations are considered as continuous incurrent hadith among all Shia scholars and many Sunni scholars, which adds to the legitimacy and importance of this day and its details. Therefore, the current marginalization, alteration and misinterpretation of this event and its narrations can be considered as the leading reason behind the division, which has struck the Islamic nation.

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