Saturday, January 16, 2016

Istighfaar (Seeking Forgiveness)

By: M.K.

Istighfaar refers to seeking forgiveness from Allah Almighty for sins committed. When we repent, we are giving up our sins and this repentance expresses our regret for sins committed in the best way. Holy Quran says, “Turn to Allah, O believers, that you may be successful” (24:31). It is a common practice among believers to feel hopeless after a sinful act has been committed. However, regardless of the grievous extent of any sin, Allah Almighty’s mercy surpasses in greatness as found in the Holy Quran, “Say, O My servants who have transgressed against themselves, do not despair of the mercy of Allah, verily, Allah forgives all sins. Verily, He is the Forgiving, the Merciful (39:53). The key to repentance is both sincerity as well as privacy. As Imam Ali (a.s) has said, “…Your secret is your prisoner, which if let loose it will make you its prisoner.” To add, Apostle of Allah Almighty once said to Imam Ali (a.s), “O Ali, blessed is one whom Allah looks upon while one is weeping for a sin that none is aware of except Allah.”

More etiquettes of repentance have been highlighted by Imam Mohammad Taqi Al Jawad (a.s), “Tawba (repentance) depends upon four things: sincere regrets, verbal ‘istighfaar,’ deeds and determination to never repeat the sin.” Allah Almighty loves a servant who performs sincerity-filled repentance, such that the sin committed will not be considered as having ever been committed. Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s) says, “He who repents of his sins is as one who has not any burden of sin.” Many supplications of seeking forgiveness have been taught to us by Ahlul-bayt and some of these include the Whispered Prayers, Dua-e-Kumayl and supplications of Amir al-mu’minin. For instance, in a sermon, Imam Ali (a.s.) said, “O My God! Forgive me what Thou knowest about me more than I do. If I return (to the sins) Thou return to forgiveness. My God forgive me that with what I sought nearness to Thee with my tongue but my heart opposed and did not perform it. My God forgive me winkings of the eye, vile utterances, desires of the heat and errors of speech.”

Isighfaar is additionally beneficial such that it rids us of our problems by cleansing us off our sins. It has been narrated from Ibn Abbas that once when he was in Imam Ali’s (a.s) company, a man had come and said, “Mawla, I have transgressed much.” To this, the Imam (a.s.) advised him of istegfaar. Then another man came asking, “Mawla, my land has become arid and parched, what shall I do?” The Imam (a.s) again advised of istigfaar. A few moments later, another man came complaining of being struck by poverty, “Nothing I do bears fruit. Is there any remedy?” Imam (a.s) advised of istigfaar. Following this, yet another man came and said, “Mawla, Allah has not yet blessed me with a child, what should I do?” And just like all others, this man was also advised of istigfaar. Ibn Abbas then says that he asked the Imam (a.s), “O Amirul Muminin, though the problems were different, but to each of them you advised to pray istigfaar.” The Imam (a.s.) answered, “Because Allah says in surah Nuh of Holy Quran: And I said, Ask forgiveness from your Lord; Verily, He is Oft-Forgiving; He will send rain to you in abundance; And give you increase in wealth and children, and bestow on you gardens and bestow on you rivers” (71:10-12).

“Dua’a for Seeking Forgiveness.” Dua’a for Seeking Forgiveness. Accessed October 5, 2015.
“Forgiveness in Islam.” Accessed October 5, 2015.
“Repentance and Forgiveness.” All About Shias. December 31, 2014. Accessed October 5, 2015.
“Sermon 78: My God, Forgive Me …” Accessed October 5, 2015.

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