Friday, December 18, 2015

Widespread Seditions from the East and the West against Muslims at the Time of Appearance

By: Allama Ali al-Korani
The word "sedition” [fitnah] in the both Holy Qur’an and traditions has two interpretations:
1. General: The general meaning refers to any test or hardship faced by Humans, whether it comes from man himself or from Satan or from people, and whether one passes the test or fails in it.
2. Special: The special meaning refers to some events and occurrences that test Muslims and their faith and could make them fail and put them off the right path of religion. And the purpose of internal and external turmoil that Prophet (swas) warned has this meaning. However, Prophet (swas) followers and companions with all their differences have quoted several narrations that Prophet (swas) had warned people from turmoil and seditions that will happen after him. One of the most famous followers who talked about these seditions is Huzaifah bin Yamani; he tried so hard to preserve these narratives about seditions and how Prophet (swas) cared about them so much. Thus many narratives come from Prophet (swas) about seditions were quoted from Huzaifah or from the commander of believers Imam Ali (as), because Huzaifah was one of the special followers of Imam Ali (as).
As he mentions in these narrations that Imam Ali (as) used to say:
ما من صاحب فتنة يبلغون ثلاث مئة إنسان إلا لو شئت أن أسميه باسمه واسم أبيه ومسكنه إلى يوم القيامة . كل ذلك مما علمنيه رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله. وكان يقول: لو حدثتكم بكل ما أعلم ما رقبتم بي الليل!

“No seditious numbers can reach three hundred unless I know their names and their perpetrators’ name and their address till the day of resurrection, and this is because Prophet (swas) has informed me about them all". Also he said: “If I tell you about everything I know, you would kill me instantly and you will not wait even until dark night” [1].
Muslim attention to these traditions about seditions was sometimes overcoming the news about Imam Mahdi (as) and his appearance. Therefore, the narrators of these traditions have divided them to several chapters and sections, such as "seditions” (riot) or "chaos” “events and riot or chaos" (Al-Fitan or Al-Malahim wal Fitan). And the word of ‘Malahim’ means wars and important events that Prophet (swas) has reported their occurrence.
Therefore, some narrators and Islamic scholars publish certain books called ‘Al-Fitan wal Malahim’ or similar to that which gathers all related traditions in these books. What is important here is not analyzing the number of these seditions and finding the beginning and conformity of these traditions with the Muslim history, rather it is important in recognizing the last sedition that all agree will be destroyed and end with the Imam 's appearance. It is the same sedition that matches the sedition of West against Muslim and becomes apparent at the dawn of this century and lead to many challenges, and because Westerners are fighting with Muslims inside their territory and controlling their wealth and destiny. In this matter, their Eastern enemies are collaborating with West and occupying part of their land. By eliminating the existence of Islam and its traditions; they bring it under their kingdom and control.
Some examples of these honorable narrations are:
Prophet (swas) said:
لتأتين على أمتي أربع فتن: الأولى تستحل فيها الدماء . والثانية تستحل فيها الدماء والأموال . والثالثة تستحل فيها الدماء والأموال والفروج . والرابعة صماء عمياء مطبقة ، تمور مور السفينة في البحر ، حتى لايجد أحد من الناس ملجأ . تطير بالشام ، وتغشى العراق ، وتخبط الجزيرة بيدها ورجلها . يعرك الأنام فيها البلاء عرك الأديم ، لا يستطيع أحد أن يقول فيها مه مه ! لا ترفعونها من ناحية إلا انفتقت من ناحية أخرى

"Four seditions and turmoil will threat my ummah (nation), first sedition is blood shedding, second is the loss of wealth, the third one is blood, wealth and women will be considered lawful, and the fourth one is when the people will be like blind and deaf moving in a ship at the turbulent sea so that no one will find a safe place to refuge. This sedition will arise from Syria and spread all over Iraq, and damage the region severely until all people will get involved and no one would say: enough and stop! If they stop the problem in one region it will appear from another place". [2]
In another narration it is said:
إذا ثارت فتنة فلسطين تردد في الشام تردد الماء في القربة ، ثم تنجلي حين تنجلي وأنتم قليل نادمون

“When the Palestinian sedition will occur, situation in Syria will be disturbed just like water in the musk and when the ending time comes, it will end while a few of you will regret”. [3]
We see that is refers to the present times in the form of Jewish Zionist state of Israel.
In another narration:
تطيف بالشام ، وتغشى العراق ، وتعرك الجزيرة

"That sedition and intrigue will surround Syria and cover Iraq, and engulf the whole Island (Jazira)." [4]*
And in another narration it is stated:
ثم تكون فتنة كلما قيل انقطعت تمادت ، حتى لايبقى بيت إلا دخلته ولا مسلم إلا صكته ، حتى يخرج رجل من أهل بيتي

“When the sedition will appear, every time people will talk about its end, and it will still continue, so that no house will be left unless the sedition enter it, and no Muslims left unless they have been touched and feel the slap of this sedition on his/her face, until a man from my family will rise.” [5]
In this narration and many others similar to this one, we can find the characteristics of this sedition, which according to narration by Prophet [swas] mentioned earlier are the fourth and the last one.
These features include:
1. Narratives in Shiite and Sunni sources are almost similar, i.e., it means that it might be different words, but the multiple narrators had given the same meaning to it so that if someone pays attention, they will be sure that the content of this news comes from the same source, whether from the Prophet (swas) himself or from his family (as).
2. This sedition is comprehensively disturbing, which affects the circumstances of Muslims in terms of security, culturally, and economically, such as making all forbidden things lawful. Or in another narrative this sedition is described to be blind and deaf. It is deaf and cannot hear any voice so you cannot get away from it and it is blind, so one cannot see the difference between this and that. But it includes everything, and matches everyone. If it enters any home, it will damage any Muslim personality, and disturb all Muslim society like the sea waves that shake the ship in the sea.
No one can be safe from this sedition towards his religion and his family, and no one can be safe from the oppression of oppressive kings and their Western and Eastern supporters who control and supervise the affairs of Muslim nation, as reflected in this narrative.
3. Evil and harsh difficulties: “and its starting point will be from Syria”; it means that it will start from Syria, therefore, our enemies called that land "Sun of Civilization", so if we add the establishment of Israel on that region how it will look like. And in one narrative it means sedition and chaos will surround Syria, and then from there to other Arab and Muslim countries, even one narrative call this sedition to "Palestinian sedition” that most of its difficulties will be on Syria.
4. No useful solution will be used to solve this chaos and it will continue for a long time, because it will be sedition of civilization, so it will be deeper than being fixed, reformed and on the other hand the resistance of nations in one side and the fierceness of the enemies from other side will not allow any solution to be successful just like this narrative said: “It will not try to be fixed from one area unless it will appear in other area, because the only real solution will be emergence of Imam’s government from among the Islamic nation and it will be only possible when he appears.”
Also many narratives state that the sedition of the last turmoil will be attached to his uprising. Although, some traditions did not clearly mention it as sedition before the appearance, but they describe it as the last sedition with the same specification. And because the purpose is the same sedition and chaos, so the word of "Absolute” should be used with "condition".
Of course, we will describe in other traditions some of the main characteristics of this intrigue, because we cannot consider this intrigue from the West equal to any other internal or external sedition that happened to the Muslim nation since the beginning of Islam till the present. And because of this, sedition is not consistent to and is different from any turmoil in the entire history of Islam, even during the robbery, killing and massacre of Mongols and also Crusades attacks that started 900 years ago. Thus this sedition will be the last stage of Westerners war against the all Muslim nations and also their absolute attack on Muslims lands and entering and destroying their nations by establishing their base (Israel) in the heart of Islamic countries.
From the Prophet (swas) it has been narrated that he said:
والذي نفسي بيده ليلين أمتي قوم ، إذا تكلموا قتلوهم ، وإن سكتوا استباحوهم. ليستأثرن بفيئهم ، وليطأن حرماتهم ، وليسفكن دماءهم ، وليملأن قلوبهم دغلاً ورعباً ، فلا تراهم إلا وجلين خائفين مرعوبين. عندها يجئ قوم من المشرق وقوم من المغرب يلون أمتي ، فالويل لضعفاء أمتي منهم ، والويل لهم من الله ، لا يرحمون صغيراً ، ولا يوقرون كبيراً ، ولا يتجافون من شئ . جثثهم جثث الآدميين ، وقلوبهم قلوب الشياطين
“I swear by whom my soul is in his hand, my nation will be ruled by people who will kill anyone against them and if they keep silent, they take away unlawfully everything they own and by assaulting their chastity and shedding their blood, their hearts will be filled up hate with and they will prevail by fear. The people will be constantly fearful and harassed, until a group from the East and a group of people from the West will come and rule my nation, then woe to the weak people of my nation who will be under oppression, and curse of God be upon those rulers because they will not have any mercy on little children nor any mercy for the old people and no fear for any unlawful act; they will look like humans but their hearts will be devils hearts.” [6]*
This worthy narrative unveils the relationship between domestic oppression and foreign colonial domination and explains the reason behind the West and East domination over the Muslim nations in addition to subjugation, oppression, aggression rules and talking away people's freedom by on people by their domestic leaders.
Because such an outrageous behavior provokes people seeking revenge from their leaders and this internal conflict makes people forget about external enemies, thus enemies exploit them and with the excuse of liberating them from their dictators, they set up the wars and start looting and robbing Islamic countries. For example, when Napoleon attacked Egypt and once his ships approached beach of Egypt, he sent a letter to the Egyptians praising Islam and expressing his interest and friendship to Islam and explaining his motivation for coming to Egypt to rescue people and liberating them from slavery. He even continued this deceitful policy after the occupation of Egypt by wearing Egyptian dresses and showing himself as Muslim by celebrating the Prophet’s (swas) birthday.
Then Britain, France, America and Russia also used similar methods and claimed that they only came to free Muslim nations and they began continuously using this trick to interfere in Muslims affairs and conquering Muslim countries.
It is reported from the Prophet [swas] that the seditions will continute for long time.
This is noteworthy that the specifications mentioned in this narration exactly match those leaders who prepared the base for East and West domination including today's rulers, some of these specifications are:
1. Repressive atmosphere against the freedom of thought, and being killed for a speech.
2. If they keep silent, they will take away everything from them because their policy is based on this thing, so even if they keep quiet and do not say a word, they still will not stop their aggression and transgress against people.
3. Robbing and plundering the wealth of Islamic countries is the basic policy of invaders as if Muslim wealth is part of inherited properties of them, their family, and their hypocrite’s supporter.
4. Violatation of the sanctity of Muslims which include violation against their human values, blood, freedom, property and assaulting their respect and chastity.
5. Shedding the blood of those who speak against them, and those who say, "Allah is our Lord".
6. Filling the Muslims hearts with hate and fear, it means malice towards the oppressive leader or oppression itself will create hate and malice in Muslims themselves towards each other.
But the Eastern or Western people whom the Prophet (swas) said about them: “At that time when a group of the East and group of the West governing my nation.“ Except the Russians and Westerners who always by taking advantage of oppression of leader there and invading Muslim countries and controlling their affairs, this narrative does not consist with any other countries. Sometimes it will be said perhaps the meaning of a group from the East and a group from the West, is the Abbassi movement which came from east of Muslim country and Fatemi movement which came from the West, and that happened after the Umayyad government and their oppression. Or it will be said that the meaning of attack and invading by Mongols that happened from the East or the crusade that was resulted from the oppression of Abbasid from the West. But apparently, narratives say groups of non-Muslim dominate over the affairs of Muslims therefore do not consist on the Abbasids and Fatimids are not applicable with the past Mongols and the Crusaders. Because domination of Western dominance is not the result of these attacks to Muslims, but it is due to the small coastal territory governments near Syria they will make and live in. Also Mongol tribes control Muslim nations for the short time, then remaining of them convert to Islam and became part of the Islamic nation. And more importantly that domination of Mongol and Crusade wars did not end to Imam's appearance, while Western domination and their sedition and intrigue according to the narratives will end with the appearance of Imam Mahdi (as). So they are applicable with today's Western and Eastern including Russian, Europeans and Americans, especially with the specification and personalities that have been mentioned in these narratives. However, they are inheritors of the same eastern Mongols and Western Crusaders, because according to the better words in the narratives, Russians are interpreted to Turks and Western to Romans that we became familiar with them soon.
It has been narrated from the Prophet Muhammad (swas) that he said:
لايزال بكم الأمر حتى يولد في الفتنة والجور من لايعرف غيرها، حتى تملأ الأرض جوراً فلا يقدر أحد يقول: الله . ثم يبعث الله عز وجل رجلاً مني ومن عترتي فيملأ الأرض عدلاً كما ملأها. من كان قبله جوراً

"Your situation will continue until generations will be born during the time of sedition and oppression that will not know anything except chaos, and the earth will be filled with oppression and injustice until nobody would even mention the name of God, then God will send a man from my family to fill the earth with justice and fairness as it will be filled with oppression and injustice.” [7]
This Hadith indicates that the last chaos and intrigue will continue to generations until a generation of Muslim children will be born who have no thought but the thought of deviating from religion and will not know any politics except oppression. And this is the best accurate interpretation of Western culture and leaders of their governments, and Muslim child rise and flourish under the evil shadow of this culture and is not aware of the Islamic atmosphere and its justice except those who have been guided by god and supported from deviation. And the meaning of Prophet (swas) when he said: “the earth will be full of oppression and injustice until no one can say the word of ‘Allah’ anymore.” This is how the injustice and oppression rule of oppressors will cover every single place and points to our life, and this matter that will rise after the invasion and domination of the West, because prior to their invasion in some areas and some period of time there was no injustice and oppression in Muslims life. But after their invasion and conquest by West and oppressive leaders, gradually their oppressive policy cover their whole life, thus Muslims’ voice were suffocated in their chest and no one could express his/her religion and say: our Lord is Allah or ask for implementation of Islamic law, and the saying that God orders us to avoid oppression and injustice and stand up to them, or the saying that God's verdict about a leader or saying he should be killed or remover from the power, or tell about god's verdict about especial law or changing it.
This does not means that nobody in general cannot say the name of god, like some people because what make infidels, oppressors, tyrant and even disbelievers angry and mad is that remembering God and mentioning His name comes into conflict with their disbelief, oppression and domination. It has been narrated in one narrative that says: “somehow that nobody can say there is no God but Allah.” Clearly, that purpose of this sentence is that nobody can declare unity and sovereignty of God and refuse the governing of unbelievers and oppressors that are not under the law of God.
The commander of believers (Imam Ali (as)) has quoted that:
إن دولة أهل بيت نبيكم في آخر الزمان، ولها إمارات فإذا استثارت عليكم الروم والترك ، وجهزت الجيوش. ويتخالف الترك والروم ، وتكثر الحروب في الأرض
“Government of Prophet’s (swas) family will appear at the end of the time, when the Romans (Westerns) and Turks will mobilize their forces against you. Then Turks will oppose Westerns and war and conflict will increase on earth.” [8]
It is clear that the wars of Imam Mahdi (as) will be because of the sedition and attacks of Romans and Russian (Turks) against Muslims and their invasion of Islamic lands is part of their strategy, and also this sentence that says “Turks and Romans (Westerners) will disagree”. Even with their allies this conflict and difference will be about dividing the resources and domination over the territories of Muslims. However, at the same time they be allies of each other and mobilize forces against Muslims and cooperate with each other as the reality is revealing itself. ”Conflicts will increase on the earth” as we do not see any continent free of armed conflict, and no conflict ends unless another one starts, and all of these conflicts are the result of conspiracies of Romans, Turks (Russian) and their Jewish supporters that are warmongers whenever they find an opportunity to do so. The meaning of Romans and Turks will be mentioned in the next chapters.
It has been narrated from Prophet Muhammad (swas) that he said:
نزل بأمتي في آخر الزمان بلاء شديد من سلطانهم لم يسمع بلاء أشد منه ، حتى تضيق بهم الأرض الرحبة ، وحتى تملأ الأرض جوراً وظلماً حتى لايجد المؤمن ملجأ يلجأ إليه من الظلم . حتى يبعث الله عز وجل رجلاً من عترتي يملأ الأرض قسطاً وعدلاً ، كما ملئت ظلماً وجوراً . يرضى عنه ساكن السماء وساكن الأرض. لا تدخر الأرض من بذرها شيئاً إلا أخرجته ، ولا السماء من قطرها إلا صبته عليهم مدراراً

"There will be a severe disaster on my nation in the form of Apocalypse from their kings that will have never experienced before and heard harder than that, thus the vast land will be tightened on them, until the earth will be filled with oppression such that a believer will not find place to run away from it, until God resurrects a man from my family who will fill up the earth with the justice and fairness, as it had been filled with oppression before, inhabitants of heaven and earth will be happy and earth will bring forth all its resources and the sky will not withhold the merciful rainfall." [9]
Huzaifa bin Yamani has quoted that Prophet (swas) said:
ويح هذه الأمة من ملوك جبابرة كيف يقتلون ويطردون المسلمين إلا من أظهر طاعتهم ! فالمؤمن التقي يصانعهم بلسانه ويفر منهم بقلبه . فإذا أراد الله تبارك وتعالى أن يعيد الإسلام عزيزاً قصم ظهر كل جبار عنيد ، وهو القادر على ما يشاء ، وأصلح الأمة بعد فسادها. يا حذيفة لو لم يبق من الدنيا إلا يوم واحد لطول الله ذلك اليوم حتى يملك رجل من أهل بيتي ، يظهر الإسلام ، والله لايخلف وعده وهو على كل شئ قدير
"Woe to this nation from the oppressor kings who will kill Muslims and displace them from their home and land except those who are forced to obey them. At that time faithful believers will pretend to agree with them but disagree with their heart and then God will wish, He will restore dignity and majesty of Islam and break the back of any aggressive oppressor, and he is able to do everything. That is he who will fix and range the condition of Islamic nation after ruin, O Huzaifa: If one day has been left from end of the world, God will make that day long enough until a man from my family comes and govern the whole world and reveal the Islam, and God never breaks His promise and He is able to do everything.” [10]
And Prophet Muhammad (swas) also said:
يوشك أن تداعى عليكم الأمم ، تداعي الأكلة على قصعتها . وأنتم كثير ولكنكم غثاء كغثاء السيل . ولينزعن الله من صدور عدوكم المهابة منكم ، وليقذفن في قلوبكم الوهن، من حب الدنيا وكراهية الموت

“It is close that other nations united against you, like calling eaters together on the table. Even though you are too many, but you are like brushwood on the flood water, God had been taken your fear and dread from the hearts of your enemies, and because of your interest in this world and the aversion of death, your hearts had been weakened.” [11]
These are clear and understandable narratives that the light of prophecy lights them up, and indicates the circumstance of Islamic nation with their tyrannical leaders and domineer enemies and announces the good news of Imam Mahdi (as)'s appearance and relief.
Prophet Muhammad (swas) had been quoted that he said:
يستخدم المشركون المسلمين ويبيعونهم في الأمصار، ولا يتحاشى لذلك بر ولا فاجر. ولا يزال ذلك البلاء على أهل ذلك الزمان، حتى إذا يئسوا وقنطوا وأساؤوا الظن أن لايفرج عنهم ، إذ بعث الله رجلاً من أطايب عترتي وأبرار ذريتي ، عدلاً مباركاً زكياً ، لايغادر مثقال ذرة ، يعز الله به الدين والقرآن والإسلام وأهله ، ويذل به الشرك وأهله . يكون من الله على حذر ، لا يغتر بقرابة، ولا يضع حجراً على حجر ، ولايقرع أحداً في ولايته بسوط إلا في حد . يمحو الله به البدع كلها ، ويميت الفتن كلها . يفتح الله به باب كل حق ، ويغلق به باب كل باطل . يرد به سبي المسلمين حيث كانوا
"Polytheists will appoint and make Muslims to serve them and will sell them in cities. and no righteous and wicked do not mind to do so, This unfortunate and difficulty get them somehow that people of that time will be disappointed, hopeless and pessimistic, imagining that there is no relief or ending for them. At this time God will send a man from my honor and family righteous of my children, a just man, auspicious, blessed and proper that will not leave any bit of Islam's law unless perform it. Religion, Qur’an, Islam and Muslim will be blessed and dignified by him and overthrow and humiliate idolatry and polytheists, he is fear of God and his relationship with his relative will not deceive him from performing God's orders, he is not busy of building houses for himself, and during his kingdom he will not lashes anyone unless for performing a religious rule, God will eliminate all the wrong innovation in the religion and eliminate all the intrigue and all the door of truths will be open and the doors of untruth and lies will be closed and God will return any imprisoned Muslims to their land wherever they are.” [12]
This narrative shows the painful situations of the humiliated Muslims and buying, selling and capturing them in other territories. And this condition does not only belong to our current time but also includes dealing on Muslims nation and expelling them from their land and capturing them by idolaters worldwide. However, then this very narrative mentions that this extremely painful, helplessness and disappointing situation of Muslims, heralds the coming of savior of the world Imam Mahdi (as).
References and Notes:
[1] Manuscript of Ibn Hammad, p. 1-2
[2] Al-Malahim wal Fitan, p. 17
[3] Manuscript of Ibn Hammad, p. 63.
[4]* Manuscript of Ibn Hammad, p. 9 [Island also means desert Island. Peninsula is land surrounded mostly by Sea or Ocean. Geographically, Arabian Peninsula includes: Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Oman and Yemen].
[5] Manuscript of Ibn Hammad, p. 10
[6]* Bisharah al-Islam, p. 25 [the Western-Zionist sponsored Wahhabi Takfiri movement that has killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people children, women, weak and old in Syria and destroyed several cities and demolished holy shrines of Prophet’s (swas) companions]
[7] Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 51, p. 68
[8] Bihar al-Anwar vol. 52, p. 208
[9] Bisharah al-Islam, p. 28
[10] Bisharah al-Islam, p. 29
[11] Al-Malahim wal Fitan, p. 129
[12] Al-Malahim wal Fitan, p. 108

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