Nowruz is the day when Dajjal will be killed by Imam Mahdi
The day Dajjal is to be killed by Imam Mahdi (as), in the final era of time, that day is Nowruz. Even, according to some narrations, the day Adam (as) descended on Earth was on Nowruz. Nowruz means a new day in the history of mankind and a new state in the life of humankind.
What matters is our intentions and actions [during Nowruz]. Nowruz has always meant a new day and a new state. With regards to nature, the first day of Aries--which is used to indicate the beginning of spring--is regarded as a new day. However, the new day is not restricted to renewal in nature. Some narrations from the Ahl ul-bait (as) about Nowruz well imply that they, based on the tradition in Islam which, everywhere, took the traditions, customs, and words and changed their contents did the same with Nowruz. When the Imam (as) was asked: “What is Nowruz?” He--according to some narrations--answered: “Do you know what Nowruz is?” He didn’t say, do you know when Nowruz is! He stated: “Do you know what Nowruz is?”
Then, on the meaning of Nowruz or what Nowruz is, there are different explanations among different narrations. For instance, the day Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) appointed Imam Ali (as) to the post of Caliphate, was on Nowruz. Or, in another narration, the day Dajjal (anti Christ) is to be killed by Imam Mahdi (as), in the final era of time, that day is Nowruz. Even, according to some narrations, the day Adam (as) descended on Earth was on Nowruz. Nowruz means a new day in the history of mankind and a new state in the life of humankind. Apparently, the Imam (as) does not want to say that the day these events occurred or will occur is, or will be, on the first day of Aries. This interpretation is highly unlikely to be intended by the Imam; instead, these examples are used to clarify the true meaning of Nowruz.
Nowruz is the day that you, by your actions or by the event that takes place, bring about renewal. The day of the victory of the Islamic Revolution, when the people of Iran created a great event, with the help of God, is a new day: Nowruz. The day the Imam of the Umah [Imam Khomeini], assertively, spoke against the world’s arrogant and aggressive front--the US--that day was a new day and a new path (Nowruz): this was a new event that took place. We should create a new day out of Nowruz. Nowruz is a new day for nature: the human aspect of it relies on our efforts that we bring about as a new day.
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