Imam Mahdi (A.S.) the Quranic View
One of the
principles of faith that the Quran postulates and testifies is the principle of
the belief in Imam Mahdi (A.S.) and his characteristics. The Holy Quran says:
"We have not neglected anything in the Book" (Anam: 38)
On another occasion the book of Allah states:
"...and We have revealed the Book to you explaining
clearly everything (Nahl: 89)
It is naturally incumbent upon the Quran not to remain
silent upon such an important basic principle; as the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) has
also called a person who does not believe in Imam Mahdi (A.S.) an infidel. To
explain the Quranic stand regarding the belief in Mahdaviyat, numerous
traditions have exegesised these verses through both Shia as' ' well as Sunni
chains of transmitters. These traditions, clearly state that these verses are
about Imam Mahdi (A.S.). The book which has the best collection of Quranic
verses that speak of Imam Mahdi (A.S.) in the light of Sunni traditions and
report, is 'Al Mahdi Fil Quran' written by respected scholar Syed Sadiq Shirazi
in 1978.
This book records 86 Quranic verses that are related to or
concerning Hazrat Imam Mahdi (A.S.). Hence the books of Able Sunnat are replete
with such traditions along with the chains of transmitters.
As far as the Shia scholars are concerned, they have
compiled numerous books on this subject. The foremost and the oldest book is
'Al Muhajja Feema Nazala-fil-Qaaemil Hujjah.' This book is written by the great
Shia scholar Allama Syed Hashim Behrani (1174 A.H.). In this invaluable work of
research, the author has recorded one hundred and twenty Quranic verses that
refer to Imam Mahdi (A.S.). He has relied upon the Shia traditional reports
making use of narration from Ahlul-Bait (A.S.). Certain reliable scholars have
carried out researches and concluded that the Book of Allah contains 217 verses
that speak explicitly about Hazrat Imam Mahdi (A.S.) [Ref: Al-AyaatuI Baahira
Fi Baqiyatil ltratiut Taahira: written by Syed Dawood Meer Sabiri]
In the present discussion, we shall mention some of such
verses about whom the exegesis and the commentary states that they have been
revealed concerning Hazrat Mahdi (A.S.) (May Allah hasten his reappearance). We
shall quote from both Shia as well as Sunni books of hadith.
A. Quranic verses revealed about Hazrat Mahdi (a.s.) as
recorded by the Sunni scholars
(1) Huzaifa bin Yamani says : "One day I entered in
the presence of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) and asked regarding the following
"••• these are those upon whom Allah has bestowed favours from among
the prophets and the truthful and the witnesses and the good) and what a good
company are they!" (Nisa : 69)
I, (HazaifaYamani) asked as to who are the people referred
to in this verse?
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) replied : "0 Huzaifa, the
word 'prophets' upon whom Allah has bestowed favours refers to me. I am the
first of the prophets who was selected for prophethood (before the creation of
the world) and I am the last of them to be sent to the world. The word
'truthful' refers to Ali lbn Abi Talib (AS).
"When the Almighty Allah sent me as a Prophet, the
first one to testify for my Prophethood was Ali (A,S.) The word 'witnesses'
implies Hamza and Jafar at Tayyar (A.SJ. The word 'good' stands for the two
chiefs of the youths of Paradise, Hasan and Husain (AS.). The 'goodly company'
refers to Mahdi in his time. " (Shawahid utTanzeel by Haakim Haskani
The last portion of the hadith infers that these people in
the time of Mahdi (A.S.) will be associates of each other and will remain
united. This report also indicates the 'Rajat' (resurrection of the Ahlul Bayt
(A.S.) in the era of the reappearance of Hazrat Mahdi (may Allah hasten his
(2) In a lengthy tradition, Hazrat Imam Muhammad al Baqir
(A.S.) describes the events of the days of reappearance: "When Mahdi
(A.S.) reappears his back will rest on the wall of Kaaba. The scene would be
such that he would be surrounded completely by 313 of his most obedient and
loyal supporters. The first words that he shall utter would be the Quranic
verse, "What remains with Allah (Baqiyatullah) is better for you if you
are believers.. (Hud : 86)
"After this he shall declare, I am the Baqiyatullah,
the divine vicegerent and His proof upon you,' Later, whoever shall approach
him, will salute him and say, 'As Salamo Alaika Ya BaqiyatallaheFil Arz'
(Salutations upon you, 0 the Baqiyatullah upon the earth)." (Nurul Absar
by Syed Momin Shablanjee Shafaee exp. 172 A.H.)
(3) Hasan bin Khalid enquired about the following verse
from Hazrat Ali lbn Musa as Raza (A.S.):
"He (Iblis) said: My Lord! Then respite me till the
time when they are raised.
He (Allah) said: So surely you are of the respited ones,
till the period of the time made known." (Hijr : 36-38)
The reporter asked Imam (A.S.), "Does Shaitan request
Allah for respite till the day of Judgement and did Allah respite him till the
appointed hour?" Imam Reza (A.S.) replied, "The period of the time
made known refers to the day of the reappearance of our Qaem (A,S.)" The
Imam (A.S.) was further asked, "0 Son of the Prophet of Allah, which one
of you Ahlul Bayt (A.S.) is Qaem?"
He (A.S.) replied, "He shall he from my fourth
generation. He would he the son of the chief of the maids of Allah. He will
cleanse the face of the earth of all types of injustice and tyranny and purify
it of all kinds of evils. " (Faraaedus Simtain by Shaykhul Islam Hammui,
Vol. 2)
In this exquisite tradition the eighth Imam, Imam Reza
(A.S.) has introduced Imam Mahdi (A.S.) as his fourth descendant i.e. the
twelfth Imam. He has also indicated that the respected mother of Hazrat Mahdi
(A.S.) will be Narjis Khatoon. She is stated to be the daughter of honorable
parents but was sold as a slave maid.
(4) It is recorded from the great Sunni exegesist, Saeed
bin Jubayr that he says regarding the following verse:
"He it is who sent His Apostle with the guidance and
the true religion that He may make it prevail overall the religions; and Allah
is enough for a Witness." Path : 28
The phrase 'that He may make it prevail over all the
religions' refers to the same Mahdi (A.S.) who is from the progeny of Fatima
az-Zahra (S.A.).
(Al Bayan Fi Akhbare Sahibizamaan Hafiz Ganji Shafaee, p.
Hence the divine promise that Islam shall prevail over all
religions will be fulfilled only in the period of the reappearance of Imam
Mahdi (A.S.).
(3) One of the stalwarts among the writers of Able Sunnat, Hafiz
Abu Jafar atTabari narates from Zaid bin Arqam the companion of the Holy
Prophet (S.A.W.) that he said,
'When the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) was returning from the last
Hajj, he halted at Ghadeer-e-Khumm at the time of Zohr braving the extremely
hot and scorching sun. He led the Muslims in prayers and later delivered an
eloquent and meaningful sermon. In it, he recited the Quranic verse,
"Therefore believe in Allah and His Apostle and the Light which we have
revealed..." (Surah Taghabun 64: 8). Then the Prophet (S.A.W.) said,
"0 People.! The Light that Allah has revealed is in me. After me in Ali
(A.S.) and after him in his progeny. Till this sequence reaches al-Qaem
al'Mahdi (A.S.)". (Maza ' Fi at-Taarikh - Allama Qubaisi, 3/145-147)
Hence, this Light is the light of divine guidance and that
of the leadership of the Ummat. First this light was present in the Holy
Prophet (S.A.W.) followed by Ameerul Momineen Ali (A.S.) and after him it will
continue to exist in his infallible descendents till it reaches Hazrat Mahdi
(A.S.). All these lofty personalities shall be the Divine Proofs.
(B) The Qaranic verses revealed about Hazrat Mahdi (a.s.)
According to the traditions recorded by Shia authorities
(1) It is reported from Yahya bin Abil Qasim: I asked Imam Jafar
Sadiq (A.S.) regarding the divine statement - "Alif Lam, Mim. This Book,
there is no doubt in it) is a guide to those who guard (against evil). Those
who believe in the unseen." Baqarah : 1,2.
The Imam (A.S.) remarked, "those who guard (against
evil) are the Shias of Ali (A.S.) and the unseen infers the unseen proof
(Imam)." Our contention is corroborated by the following verse of the Holy
Quran; "And they say, why is not a sign sent to hint from his Lord? Say;
The unseen is only for Allah, there-fore wait - surely I too with you am of
those who wait."
[Yunus : 20.] (Ref: Kamaluddin by Shaykh Sadooq, Vol. 2, p.
It is evident that the belief in the Hidden Proof, Imam
Mahdi (may Allah hasten his reappearance) is one of the characteristic features
of the Shias of Ali (A.S.).
(2) Abu Jafar Imam Muhammad al Baqir (A.S.) explains the
following verse of the Holy Quran:
"Those who, should we establish them in the land, will
keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate and enjoin good and forbid evil; and for
Allah is the end of affairs' [Hajj : 41]
He (A.S.) says, "This verse concerns the progeny of
Muhammad (S.A.W.). The Almighty Allah will present the east and the west of the
earth in the service of Hazrat Mahdi (A.S.) and his companions. He, the
Almighty, will make the Islamic religion universal and through Hazrat Mahdi
(A.S.) and his companions, ' eradicate innovations (in religion) and
evil." (Taweelul Ayaatiz Zaahirah, P.343)
This ayat lays the foundation of the reappearance, rising
and the rule of Hazrat Imam Mahdi (A.S.).
(3) When Abu Basir asked Imam Jafar Sadiq (A.S.), the
meaning of the following verse :
"Allah has promised to those of you who believe and do
good that He will most certainly make them rulers in the earth as He made
rulers those before them and that He will most certainly establish for them
their religion which He has chosen for them and that He will most certainly,
after their fear, give them security in exchange, (as) they serve Me (and) do
not associate aught with Me..." [Nur : 33]
Imam (A.S.) replied, "This verse is revealed in
connection with al'Qaem (A.S.) and his companions".(Al-Ghaybah, p. 126)
This Quranic verse about the reappearance and uprising of
Imam Mahdi (A.S.) ~ the belief common to Ahle-Sunnat too - mentions four
characteristics and aims of the universal rule of Hazrat Mahdi (A.S.)
• The establishment of a Universal
• Absolute Power to the religion of Islam.
• The atmosphere of complete security and
• The annihilation of polytheism (Shirk).
(4) Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Hasan enquired from Imam
Muhammad al Baqir (A.S.) the meaning of the following verse :
"And certainly We wrote in the Book after the reminder
that (as for) the land. My righteous servants shall inherit it." (Anbiya :
Imam Baqir (A.S.) said, "The righteous servants in the
last age shall he the companions of Mahdi (AS.)" (Taaweelul Ayaatiz
This verse indicates that the glad tidings of the universal
government of helpers and the followers of Hazrat Mahdi (A.S.) has been
mentioned in the Torah and the Zaboor.
(3) Ammar-e-Yasir (R.A.) has reported a lengthy tradition
from the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) wherein he has mentioned the lofty position and
merits of Ali lbn Abi Talib (A.S.). The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) has stated in
this narration that Hazrat Mahdi (A.S.) would be a descendant of Ali (A.S.). In
reply to the query of Ammar-e-Yasir as to 'who is Mahdi' , the Holy Prophet
(S.A.W.) said, "0 Ammar! the Almighty Allah has promised me that from the
loins of Husain (A.S.) will be born nine Imams (a.s). The ninth one of them
shall he hidden from the public eye. For the same reason Allah says, "Say;
Have you considered if your water should go down in the earth, -who is it then
that win bring you spring of flowing water (Mulk : 30) For him (i.e. Mahdi
(A.S.) the 12th Imam) it would be such a prolonged occultation that a section
of the people would turn away from their belief. Whereas another section (of
the people) will remain firm steadfast. Then he will reappear and rise during
the last period (or time) and will fill the earth with justice and equity just
as it would be fraught with injustice and oppressions... " (Kifayatul
Asar, p.l2)
This verse compares the existence of Hazrat Mahdi (A.S.) to
the underground spring of flowing water, gushing forth from the earth. This
brief discussion shows that the Holy Quran contains the various aspects of the
reappearance, occultation as also the characteristics of Hazrat Mahdi (a.s.).
All this is agreed upon by both the Shia as well as the Sunni scholars who are
most authoritative and reliable.
May the Almighty Allah, by the intercession of his dear
ones, bring to an end the occultation of the last hope of Humanity, hasten his
reappearance and include us among his helpers and followers. Amen.
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