Imam Mahdi and The Great War Armageddon
Umm Salamah,
the wife of the Prophet related that the Prophet said, “There will
be discord when a Khaleefa (ruler) dies. A man from the inhabitants of Madeenah
will flee to Makkah, and people will come to him from the dwellers of Makkah.
They will bring him out (to the people), yet he will be averse to what they
want of him (to be their leader). Then they will pledge allegiance to him
between the Rukn (i.e. the Black Stone) and the Maqaam (the Station of
Ibraaheem in Makkah). An army will be sent to (attack) him from Sham (Syria and
surrounding areas) and they will be swallowed up (by a Khasf) in Al-Baidaa — a
place between Makkah and Al-Madinah. When people see that, the Abdaal from Sham
will come to him and the best people from Iraq will come and pledge allegiance
to him. Then a man from the Quraish (the ruling tribe of Makkah) will appear;
his uncles are from the children of Kalb (ruling tribe of Syria today). He will
send an army to them but they (the Mahdi’s army) will be victorious over them…
Wealth will be distributed and people will apply the Sunnah of their Prophet.
Islam will achieve stability and firmness in the earth. That will last for
seven years, after which (after this period ends) the Mahdi will die and the
Muslims will pray over him.” (Abu Daawood, Ibn Kathir in al Bidaya wa Nihaya)
Ali (ra) said:
“The Mahdi will not come until one third die, one third are killed, and one
third remain.” (Nu’aym ibn Hammad)
That is, One
third die because of things like hunger or disease, we witnessed similar events
under the sanctions placed on Iraq, One third will be killed because of the
wars in Arabia and the Civil wars in Saudi, and One third will survive. Most
likely this Hadith, and other similar Ahadith are referring to the Arabs alone
because Islam had not yet spread to others parts of the world during the time
of the Prophet (saws), and He was informing his people what would happen to
them after his time.
The Great War
between the Muslim’s and Europe is mentioned not only by John (as) in the book
of revelation it was mentioned by the prophet Daniel (as) who had a dream
regarding the rise of Europe. In the book of Daniel (10), as the prophet is
standing on the bank of the river tigris He (as) is overtaken by sleep, after
which Allah sends him a vision, He is informed about what will happen to the
Greek Empire after him and the end of the Persian Empire which it fought with,
then in the book of Daniel 11:21 while speaking about the wars between the King
of the North (Europe today) and King of the South (Arabia and Persia today)
mention is made of a future ruler of the north just before the return of Isa
(as) who is a contemptible person, He will invade the South when it feels
secure in the world and seize it through intrigue, not unlike the British
Empire and America after it that controlled many parts of the world through
proxy leaders (a figure that can be used to represent the value of something in
a calculation).
Mention is made
of him in chapter 8, “for at the appointed time of the end…When the
transgressors have reached their fullness, A king shall rise, having fierce
features who will understand sinister schemes. His power shall be mighty, but
not by His own power (Under him will be the power of the nations, through the EU),
He shall destroy fearfully and shall prosper and thrive; He shall destroy the
mighty and also the Holy people. “Through his cunning He shall cause deceit to
prosper under his rule; And he shall exalt himself in his heart. He shall
destroy many in their prosperity. He shall even rise against the Prince of
Princes (the Mahdi); But he shall be broken without human means (his fate will
be separate from his peoples). And the vision of the evenings and mornings
Which was told is true; therefore seal up the vision because it refers to many
days in the Future.” (Daniel 8:19,23-26)
believe every title refers to Jesus it was because of this they no longer saw
the chronology of events as their interpretations became convoluted and
increasingly esoteric to maintain this underlaying premise. The Prince of
Princes is someone less than the King of Kings, because it is a title that is
given to a saintly ruler that is less than a prophet (saws) who ruled, it is a
title beneath the status of Jesus (as).
Even the Jews
before them had a prophecy about a religious figure coming before the time of
Jesus (as), Elijah, whose name means the first part of the muslim Shahada, “the
one who affirms Allah” or La Ilaha ila llah, there is no deity except Allah,
this is the role of the Mahdi during this time of occult rule, to Affirm Allah
to people who turn to Devils, this what it means in Ahadith when they say He
(ra) will spread Justice, just like oppression was spread
around the world, and it is part of the meaning of his name.
Once these
events begin to unfold in front of our eyes it won’t be long until we know when
the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) will actually appear because many
Ahadith give specific years between events. The Great War (Armageddon) will be
fought against the Romans, they were the Global force of Europe in their time,
the term Romans is a designation for the direction and location of the Enemy
Muslims would be facing.
Since the Roman
Empire no longer exists afnd the prophet (saws) was given the news ahead of
time that muslims would defeat the current Empire in the Quran, in the opening
verse of Surah 30, ‘The Romans’, “The Romans have been defeated” (30:1), the
“Roman’s” spoken of at the end of time are a simile for Europe in our time.
In the world
today that power is the European Union which is fast becoming the dominant
power in the world. The European Union currently consists of 27 of the 50 or so
countries of Europe, some of the countries which are a part of the European
Union are, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Ireland, Romania, Serbia,
Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Ukrain and the United Kingdom.
Europe’s first
altercation with the Muslim world during this time, as Ahadith mention, will be
when they place sanctions upon Syria, afterwards they will again place
sanctions on Egypt, which will be the initial steps towards the Great War.
The Prophet
(saws) said “There will be devastation all around the World. Ultimately, Egypt
will also be ruined, but until Basra (Baghdad) is destroyed, Egypt will remain
secure. The destruction of Basra will be due to Iraq’s destruction (the city
will be destroyed because the country will be invaded)…” (Qurtubi, Mukhtasar
Tazkirah, p. 530)
This account
mentions that Egypt won’t be destroyed until the city of Baghdad is destroyed
along with Iraq, this occurred after 2003 with Iraq’s complete loss of
Independence and ended in 2011 with the pull out of western troops. The war
cost Iraqi’s their country and resulted in yet another minority group being put
in charge of the majority in a Muslim country.
after this event Europe who will be seeking to impose it’s dominance on the
region as the Americans did, will place sanctions on Syria and then again on
Egypt, around this time the Euphrates will uncover a mountain of Gold over
which there will be another Great battle between the Arabs, very similar to the
Iraq-Iran War.
narrated from Ibn ‘Abbas (ra) that he mentioned the story of the Mahdi, and
said: “And the earth will cast forth its precious valuables.” It was said:
“What are its precious valuables?” He said: “Cylinders of gold and silver.”
What is clear
from all these narrations is that the Mahdi will appear after the following
events, they will occur within a few short years of each other;
- The Throne of Saudi Arabia is fought over by three sons from
amongst it’s rulers.
- The Euphrates river will uncovers a mountain of Gold and
Muslims in the region will fight over it, most of whom will die.
- Sanctions are placed on Egypt, after they are placed on Syria.
- The People of the East; Afghanistan and the surrounding Area,
will march across Arabia with black flags conquering all the Arab lands
stabilizing the region, until they reach Jerusalem and conquer it.
- The people of the Maghrib; Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria, will
rise up to stop Europe’s oppression of Egypt, beginning the first of the
wars between the Muslims and Europe.
Ahadith say
there will be more than one warlord during this time, when one is defeated he
is replaced by another all in less than a decade. It will be during the second
civil war of Saudi Arabia that Imam Mahdi (ra) will emerge.
When the
Sufyani warlord sees the Mahdi he will send an army against him from Sham, the
Army may contain European solders in it, but Allah will cause it to be swallowed
up by the Earth before reaching him, and this is the third Major Khasf
(earthquake) mentioned in Ahadith.
When the people
see this they will know that person is the Mahdi (ra), because this is the most
famous sign that the prophet (saws) mentioned would establish his identity.
The first to go
to him will be the Awliya (saints) of Sham and Iraq, the best people in Islam
in terms of Ihsan (Human perfection) during the time of the prophet (saws) were
those who recognized the truth first and accepted it, their good nature allowed
them to discern Haq (Justice) from falsehood, in a similar way the best people
of Islam today will recognize Him first and go to him.
They will
pledge allegiance to him, then a man from the tribe of Quraish will rise up
whose maternal uncles are from Kalb (the ruling tribe of Syria), this is
another minor warlord, he will send an army against him, but the Mahdi will
defeat it, the Imam will then head towards Syria and kill the Sufyani in
Palestine near the sea of Galilee (lake of Tiberias), these are the initial
day’s of the Mahdi’s rule.
Artat bin
Al-Munzir said: “The Mahdi will send the the first battalion he formed to
(fight) the Turks (who are part of Europe and invade Arab lands, it may also
mean Russia). He defeats them and takes what they have from spoils and money.
Then, he marshes to Syria and conquers it. Then, he emancipates (frees) all the
slaves (possibly war prisoners) he has and gives their owners their value (pays
ransom for them).” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan, Jalal-uddine
AsSuyuti’s Al-Urf Al-Wardi fi Akhbar Al-Mahdi, a part of Al-Hawi li
Although the
translation says the Turks, this can refer to either Russia or Turkey in
Ahadith because of the word Tartar, their present day decadents are the Turks, Mongols,
Manchus and southern Russians.
It may also be,
that one hadith is referring to Turkey, like the turkish invasion of Egypt
which is across the Mediterranean from them, and these set of Ahadith refer to
Russia which is just north of Azerbaijan and the Arabian peninsula, the
following hadith makes it clear this is the case, Russia will invade Arab
lands, while the Turkey invades Egypt as part of the European Union.
Yunus bin Saif
Al-Khulani said: ” You will reconcile with the Romans (after all these initial
wars) through a security treaty. Then, together, you will invade the (lands of
the) Turks (Russians) and Kerman (a region currently in Iran) and Allah will
conquer them for you…” (Nuaim ibn Hammad’s Kitab al-Fitan)
We know from
many Sahih Ahadith with certainty, that the country of Turkey won’t be invaded
and conquered by the Mahdi until Armageddon occurs, which is after all these
events so the Turks in this narration must be the Russians, Turkey is also
trying to join the European Union, so the treaty would apply to them.
Ka’b said:
“…You will enter into a reconciliation treaty with them for 10 years… You and
the Romans will invade an enemy (located) behind Constantinople (in Turkey,
this is the location of Russia). When you return for that invasion, you will
see Constantinople (meaning the Armies will pass through Turkey on their way to
Russia and on their way back)… Then, you and they will invade Al-Kufa (a city
in Iraq) and cause devastation to it (It’s possible Russia has conquered it at
this point)… Then, you and the Romans together will invade some of the people
of the East (Iran as other narrations state)…” (Nuaim ibn Hammad’s Kitab
Artat bin
Al-Munzir said: ” The Sufyani will fight the Turks (Russians). Their
eradication (uprooting) will be at the hands of the Mahdi. The first battalion
formed by the Mahdi will be sent to (fight) the Turks.” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s
Kitab Al-Fitan, Jalal-uddine AsSuyuti’s Al-Urf Al-Wardi fi Akhbar
Al-Mahdi, a part of Al-Hawi li Al-Fatawa)
Makhul said that
the Messenger of Allah said: ” The Turks (Russians) will make two invasions:
one of them will be in which they will devastate Azerbaijan, and in the second
one, they will reach to the shore of the Euphrates (this is possibly when they
Conquer Iraq).” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s book Kitab Al-Fitan)
After the
conflicts over Egypt begin we would make three different truces (according to
Ahadith) with Europe all short lived, eventually the Mahdi (ra) will make a
fourth truce with Europe, after defeating all the warlords in Arabia, this
truce will last for about seven years, taking up the majority of his time on
During that
time the Mahdi will establish and strengthen the presence of Islam on Earth. We
will then help Europe attack an enemy beyond them that is attacking them, more
than likely Russia, during the truce the Mahdi will conquer the entire Arabian
peninsula and Iran, but eventually this truce will be broken.
The Prophet
(saws) said, “You will make a firm truce with the Romans (al-Rum) until you and
they wage a campaign against an enemy that is attacking them. You will be
granted victory and great spoils. Then you will alight in a plain surrounded by
hills. There, someone among the Romans shall say: ‘The Cross has overcome!’
were upon someone among the Muslims shall say: ‘Nay, Allah has overcome!’ and
shall go and break the cross. The Romans shall kill him, then the Muslims shall
take up their arms and the two sides shall fall upon each other. Allah shall
grant martyrdom to that group of Muslims. After that the Romans shall say to
their leader: ‘We shall relieve you of the Arabs (intending Genocide), and they
shall gather up for the great battle (Armageddon). They shall come to you under
eighty flags (nations or groups), each flag gathering 12,000 troops (960,000
soldiers in total)” (Abu Dawud, Kitab al-Jihad – Vol. 3/7 – No. 2479, Ahmad,
Ibn Majah)
Once Europe has
broken the seven year truce with the Muslims this will result in the Great War,
al Malhama al Kubra (Armageddon).
The Prophet
said: “You will make a truce of peace with Rome; you and they will conquer an
enemy from behind them (Russia). You will be safe and you will achieve spoils.
Then you will descend in a fertile soil that has many mounds in it. A man from
the Romans will stand, raise the cross, and say, ‘victory is for the cross.’ A
man from the Muslims will rise and kill him (the Romans Kill the Muslim after
he Kills the Christian). At that point, the Romans will betray their agreement
and there will be massacres (the agreement is between nations, these two men
from each nation are not their representatives and acted on their own behalf,
only those in charge can resolve the truce and it was resolved after Europe
decided on Genocide rather than justice). They will gather for you, advancing
toward you with 80 banners, and with each banner there will be 10,000 (800,000,
the difference is more than likely because a later narrator of the hadith was
not certain of the words).” (Ahmad)
A look at
Europe today would show that it comprises of less than 80 countries, these
Ahadith indicate that other countries from around the World would be invited to
aid them, Possibly through NATO (which is a political and Military alliance) or
the UN, this force will consist of 800,000 to 960,000 troops under 80 different
flags. If this is the case, then it becomes clear that the eradication of the
Arabs, the prophet (saws) spoke of was agreed to by the nations of the world
who are now joining in.
It is also
possible that each European country will rather offer more than one battalion
under separate flags, possibly a flag for each of unit in the Air force, Army
and Navy. Europe will be gathering their forces for nine months, and the
Muslims will be gathering their armed forces in Iraq, Syria (Sham) and Yemen,
the Mahdi will then send the mujahideen (Muslim fighters) to engage them when
they invade.
Yusair ibn
Jabir narrated: Once there blew a red storm in Kufah and there came a person
who had nothing to say but (these words): “Abdullah ibn Mas’ud, the Last Hour
has come.” He (Abdullah ibn Mas’ud) was sitting reclining against something,
and he said: “The Last Hour will not come until the people do not divide
inheritance and rejoice over booty.” Then He said pointing towards Syria, with
a gesture of his hand like this: “The enemy will muster strength against the
Muslims and the Muslims will muster strength against them.” I said: “You mean
Rome?” He said: “Yes, and there will be a terrible fight. The Muslims will
prepare a detachment, which will not return unless victorious. They will fight
until darkness intervenes. (what remains of) Both sides will return without
being victorious and both will (have been) wiped out. The Muslims will again
prepare a detachment for fighting unto death so that they may not return unless
victorious. When it is the fourth day, a new detachment from the remnant of the
Muslims will be prepared and Allah will decree that the enemy will be routed(
the Bible similarly says they will be captured).
They would
fight such a fight the like of which has not been seen, so fierce that even if
a bird were to pass their flanks, it would fall down dead before reaching the
other end (The fighting will be so fierce between these Huge Armies, in
contrast to other wars, that most will be killed in four days, nearly 2 million
soldiers). (There will be such a large scale massacre) that when counting will
be done, (only) one out of a hundred men related to one another would be found
alive. So what can be the joy at the spoils of such war and what inheritance
can be divided? They will be in this very state (of loss for some time
afterwards) when they will hear of a calamity more horrible than this. A cry
will reach them: ‘The Dajjaal has taken your place among your offspring.’ They
will therefore throw away what is in their hands and go forward, sending ten
horsemen as a scouting party. Allah’s Apostle (peace be upon him) said: ‘I know
their names, the names of their forefathers and the color of their horses. They
will be the best horsemen on the surface of the Earth on that day or among the
best horsemen on the surface of the Earth on that day.'”(Sahih Muslim, Book 41,
No. 6927)
Before the
Great War begins, Europe will come to the Muslims and will say, “Do not stand
between us and those who took prisoners from amongst us. Let us fight with
them.” hoping to avoid the greater battle by only taking the European muslims
who converted, an indication of their racist and bigoted mindset at the time
that the only people that would matter are those who left their religion as if
an insult.
The Muslims
will refuse, saying: “By Allah, We will never hand over our Muslim brothers”.
The Romans will then attack Syria causing heavy casualties among all the Arabs
in that region, a hadith says, The Romans will then say during the war: “We
will not cease fighting you until you bring out to us every one among you whose
origin is not from you”, they will try to take back and imprison the Non Arab
Muslims, many of whom are from Europe having converted to Islam.
So the European
Muslim who converted will come out and say: “Allah forbid that we should go
back to unbelief after Islam!”, the oppression of Europe during the end of
times is prophesied in the Bible, it will be a cause for many in Europe to
search for the truth, for a religion that has been preserved from it’s first
days and isn’t oppressive, they will accept Islam leaving Europe and the path
it has chosen for itself.
The Europeans
will then begin the Great War, and that is when Allah (azza wa-jall) will send
down His punishment on them, three times during the Great War they will come at
the Muslims then finally Allah will grant the Muslims victory. A third of the
Muslim army will first flee, and Allah will never accept from them repentance
(Towba). A third will be killed during the war, and they will be the noblest
martyrs in the sight of Allah. The surviving third will be victorious, never to
suffer defeat thereafter, after the Great War they will then go on to conquer
Constantinople (Istanbul), without having to fight.
The battle will
last four days Each day the Muslim troops will take an oath that they will not
return except as victors. For three days, they will fail to defeat the enemy,
with many men becoming martyrs. On the fourth day, Allah will cause Europe to falter,
be routed and succumb to a tremendous onslaught from the remaining Muslim
troops. A Hadith says Allah will command Jibril (as) along with 70,000 Angels,
Micha’il (Michael) with another 70,000 Angels and Israfil with Another 70,000
Angels to help the Muslims against Europe, just as they helped the Prophet
(saws) at the Battle of Badr, Islam’s first victory.
The Prophet
(saws) said “You’ll join hands with a Roman group and war with another (Europe
won’t entirely be united). You’ll gain victory. At that time, you will be
present in a plain of great mountains with plenty of trees. In the meantime,
the Romans will raise the crucifix and refer the victory to it. At this, a
Muslim will become angry, and will pull the crucifix down, at which, the Romans
will unite (again) breaking all treaties with the Muslims. The Romans will
demand their wanted people (the converts from their people), to which the
Muslims will answer: “By Allah! They are our brothers. We will never hand them
over.” This will start the war. One-third of the Muslims will run away. Their
‘Tawbah’ (Repentance) will never be accepted. One-third will be killed (during
the War). They will be the best martyrs near Allah. The remaining one-third
will gain victory, until under the leadership of the Mahdi, they will fight
against the non-believers. This group will belong to Khurasan (ancient name for
Afghanistan and the surrounding Areas). They will be wearing black turbans.
People will rise up from the East who will keep on coming forward, trampling the
ground under their feet, to the aid of the Mahdi to help establish his
government.” (Ibn Majah)
Abu Huraira
(ra) narrated “When the Great War Occurs, Allah will raise an Army from the Non
Arabs who will be greater riders and will have better weapons than the Arabs.
Allah will support the Deen (Islam) by them.”
The above
Hadith describes them as Mawali or Non-Arab Muslims, this could be the Group
Europe demands to be handed over to them when they break the truce and Attack
Arabia. The Hadith mentions they will have better weapons than the Arabs which
is the state of the Arab world today, the Americans and Europeans lead the
World in Arms development.
The Messenger
of Allah said: “You will fight the unbelievers until the remnant of you (what
remains) fight on the River Jordan, you on the East of it and they on the West
of it.” (Ahmad)
The State of
Israel has as its Eastern border, the dividing line of the River Jordan, that
is the line between the Muslim armies and the Non-Muslim armies, some
considered this to be the war in which the Mahdi will establish his Khalifah in
Jerusalem ending Israel but the words “remnant” is used in the hadith which
means remainder or what is left of the Muslims at the time, which is a later
clearly state that Israel will be taken by the people of the East, it is hard
to imagine that the Armies marching from the East carrying the black flags can
plant them in Jerusalem, the state of Israel today, with out having conquered
it first, and indeed the prophet (saws) said nothing will stop them until they
plant it there. Later wars will be fought in that land, and all Ahadith mention
Palestine as the land of the people of the East, which they will hand over to
the Mahdi (ra).
The Muslims
will eventually win the Great War and go on to conquer the Lands of Europe
“they (the Muslims) will not pass any city without conquering it by declaring
Allah’s greatness (they will conquer these lands using, Dhikr, with out
fighting), until they come to the City of the “Romans” referring to their
capital at the time.
The Mahdi will
arrive at Istanbul and set up arrangements for the Khalifah, appoint people to
govern there making preparations for the implementation of Islamic law after
Turkey had left the muslim community to Join Europe.
Abu Hurayrah
related from The Prophet (saws) said, “The Romans will surround a leader from
my pure musked children. His name will be the same as mine (i.e. the Mahdi).
They will fight each other at a place called Al-A’maq (the place of the Great
War, Al-A’maq is a toponym, it is near Dabiq, between Aleppo in northern Syria
and Antioch in southern Turkey) and one third, or thereabouts, of the Muslims
(Army) will be killed. They will fight again on another day and again one third
or thereabouts of the Muslims will be killed. On the third day they will fight
again and the Romans will be defeated. And they will remain there until they
open Constantinople. It is whilst they are distributing the spoils of war that
a messenger will come informing them that the false messiah is in their home
town with their children.” (Ibn Hibban, Tirmidhi, Abuya’li, At-Tabarani, Al
Bazaar, Abu Nuaym and Al Hakim.)
“The Hour will
not come until seventy thousand men of Banu Ishaq (Men of Jewish origin who the
Mahdi will send) invade it (Constantinople). When they come to it they will
settle around it, and they will not fight with a single weapon or shoot a
single arrow. They will say: “La ilaha illallahu wallahu akbar (There is no god
but Allah and Allah is the Greatest),” and the side that is on the sea will
collapse (referring to its walls). Then they will say: “La ilaha illallahu
wallahu akbar (There is no god but Allah and Allah is the Greatest),” and its
other side will collapse. Then they will say: “La ilaha illallahu wallahu akbar
(There is no god but Allah and Allah is the Greatest),” and it will be opened
up for them and they will enter it and take the spoils. (Muslim)
And Nu’aym ibn
Hammad narrated from Ibn Mas’ud (ra), from the Prophet (saws) that he said:
“Allah will cause Constantinople to be conquered at the hands of a people who
are the allies (awliya’) of Allah (ta’ala). Allah will preserve them from death,
illness and disease until Isa ibn Maryam (as) descends, and they will fight
alongside him against the Dajjaal.”
It is more than
likely that these Jews will come from what is left of the orthodox Jewish
community in Israel, the Pashtuns of Afghanistan are descendants from the
original Jewish tribes and many Ahadith refer to the Mahdi wearing Jewish
cloths and looking like a Jewish man, these Ahadith refer to the Pashtuns, but
by the time of the Great War much of there forces would have been spent fighting
the war lords of Arabia, one of the Sufyani’s will fill every valley with their
bodies then invade their lands killing every male until only women and the
elderly remain.
The Ahadith
mention they will be present during the great war, “This group will belong to
Khurasan”, but what is more significant than this is that the Jews have a
prophecy about the return of Isa (as) which mentions their condition by the
time of his arrival and it is identical in wording to what the prophet (saws)
said about them “at the hands of a people who are the allies (awliya’) of Allah
(ta’ala). Allah will preserve them from death, illness and disease until
Isa ibn Maryam (as) descends, and they will fight alongside him against the
It may be that
both groups having the same origin from the original tribes of Judaism, and as
Allah himself in the Quran promises to bring all the Jewish tribes back to
Jerusalem by the end, which includes the Pashtuns who are subject to any
promise Allah made to Abraham in the torah and bible, they are referred to as
one people.
We have to keep
in mind that between the time the People of the East take Jerusalem and the
Mahdi arrives that is six years, and between the Mahdi and the Great War that
is about seven years, which is more than a decade since Jews would have ruled
Israel by then, this is a long time for change and people to forget the present
situation, there are more Ahadith regarding orthodox jews including the fact
the Mahdi will bring out the Ark of the Covenant, showing them the Original
Torah debating with them regarding the truth, through which many will accept
Islam at his hands.
It will be
after this point in time, when the Muslim’s have conquered Istanbul, that news
of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) will begin to spread, but it will be
As the Mahdi
(a.s) and his men are busy in Istanbul a rumor will spread that “the Dajjaal
has broken loose in Syria and is wreaking havoc among your families.” This news
will be very disturbing to the Imam, and so consequently, he will hurriedly
leave for Syria. In the meantime, ten men will be sent ahead to ascertain the
truth. The Holy Prophet (saws) said referring to these men: “ I know their
names and the names of their fathers they will be among the best warriors in
that era.” One of them will report that the story is false and the Dajjaal has
not yet emerged, it was a lie fabricated by Shaytan to try and disrupt the
progress of the Muslims.
Meanwhile those
who conquered Istanbul, the Jews, will march on and invade the enemy
territories of western and southern Europe (comprising of countries like,
Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, Austria, Italy, etc.) in the same
manner they conquered Istanbul with Tasbih and Takbeer, without the use of
The Prophet
(saws) said: “If there only remains but one day left in the world, Allah will
prolong it until a man from my house governs. He will open Constantinople
(Istanbul) and the Mountain of Al-Daylam (in Iran).” (Ibn Hibban, At-Tirmizi,
Abu ya’li, At-Tabarani, Al Bazaar, Abu Nuaym and Al Hakim.)
Nafi’ ibn
‘Utbah said, “The Prophet said, ‘You will attack Arabia (The Mahdi when he
first Appears), and Allah will enable you to conquer it. Then you will attack
Persia (The Muslims and Europeans), and Allah will enable you to conquer it.
Then you will attack Rome (Europe’s main city), and Allah will enable you to
conquer it. Then you will attack the Dajjaal (with Jesus), and Allah will
enable you to conquer him.” (Sahih Muslim)
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