There are some Muslims
who, impressed by the views of distinguished scholars such as Ibn Khaldun and
Dr Muhammad Iqbal, have rejected belief in the advent of Imām al-Mahdi. Some of
them even go on to dismiss our preoccupation with this subject with disdain and
with spurious comments. They should be warned that it is not only false
but also sinful to argue that those who strive for a deeper understanding of
the subject of the advent of Imām al-Mahdi (‘alaihi al-Salām) are
a people who are content to sit waiting with folded arms for the Imām while
doing nothing to combat falsehood and oppression in the world.
We have no doubt that certain members of
the Ummah of Prophet
Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) will
be blessed with true dreams and visions which will convey to them information
concerning the End-Time advent of Imām
al-Mahdi (‘alaihi al-Salām). Readers must know however, that
information so obtained cannot be objectively verified, and hence that there is
no compulsion on any one to accept such information as truth.
This writer has never attempted to use
such information in his analysis of events now mysteriously unfolding in the
world, and in the Holy Land in particular. Rather he has continuously striven
to grasp the ‘system of meaning’ of the subject of the End Times as derived
from data located in the Qur’ān and Ahadīth of Prophet
Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa
sallam). He is confident that his students will Insha Allah, continue that effort when he
is no longer in this world. His conclusions, based on rational analysis (and
intuitive internal insight), must always be qualified with the words Allahu ‘alam (Allah Knows best).
Those who are not convinced by his views
expressed in this essay or in other writings and lectures, therefore have every
right to withhold acceptance. Those on the other hand who reject his
views, cannot be recognised as serious critics who deserve a response, unless
and until they offer their own ‘correct’ views that are published under a name
by which they can be recognized and held accountable. This writer is confident
that a reasoned and respectful scholarly dialogue (in response to this and
other essays on the subject) will enrich all those who participate with a
greater understanding and insight into the subject Insha Allah.
The subject of the emergence of Imām al-Mahdi has now assumed truly
urgent importance in the world of Islam ̶ Shia as well as Sunni. The misguided followers of
the false Prophet of Qadian, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad al-Kazzab, should follow carefully the
discussion on this subject so that they may recognize Insha Allah, the falsehood of Mirza’s
claims that he was Imām al-Mahdi as
well as the Promised Messiah. This subject is of urgent importance since the
Anglo-American-Israeli military attack on the Arabs, Pakistan and Iran can be
expected at any time now, and we can therefore expect that someone will soon
emerge with yet another false claim to be the promised Imām.
We warned in an earlier essay that an
Israeli attack on Iran would almost certainly provoke the emergence of a Shia claimant to be the
promised Imām. We can
expect a Sunni claimant
on the other hand, when the attack is launched against the Arabs or Pakistan.
This essay, written in Buenos Aires in
Argentina as I make my way to our Second International Islamic Retreat in Cape
Town, attempts to explain the subject of the advent of Imām al-Mahdi in its End-Time
context and to thus offer a view concerning the time-line for the emergence of
the prophesied Imām.
There are some Muslims
who, impressed by the views of distinguished scholars such as Ibn Khaldun and
Dr Muhammad Iqbal, have rejected belief in the advent of Imām al-Mahdi. Some of
them even go on to dismiss our preoccupation with this subject with disdain and
with spurious comments.
They should be warned
that it is not only false but also sinful to argue that those who strive for a
deeper understanding of the subject of the advent of Imām
al-Mahdi (‘alaihi al-Salām) are a people who are
content to sit waiting with folded arms for the Imām while doing nothing to
combat falsehood and oppression in the world.
Our understanding of the ‘system of
meaning’ which harmoniously integrates all data from the Qur’ān and Ahadīth pertaining to the End
Times, recognizes the return of the true Messiah Jesus the son of the Virgin
Mary (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon them both) as the Sign of
all Signs of the End Times (see ‘An
Islamic View of Gog and Magog in the Modern World’); hence the
subject of the emergence Imām al-Mahdi must
be harmoniously integrated with that momentous return.
It is logically inconsistent that a wise
God, whose creation is flawless, should send the true Messiah back to this
world before Dajjāl the
false Messiah has completed his mission of impersonating the true Messiah. That
mission of impersonation would not be complete until he publicly proclaims that
he is the promised Messiah. In addition, I believe that no learned Jew would
ever respond seriously to any claimant to be the promised Messiah unless that
claimant is a Jew, he makes his claim from within the Holy Land (Jerusalem to
be specific), and makes his claim while offering overt evidence that he has
already established his rule (or has the capacity to do so) over the world in
general and in particular over the Arab/Muslim world that surrounds the Holy
Land on all sides. I hold this view since the Jewish scriptures proclaim
the advent of a Messiah who will rule the world (eternally) from the throne of
David (‘alaihi al-Salām).
I have argued in ‘Jerusalem in the Qur’an’ as well as
in other writings, that Dajjāl’s ‘day like a month’ is now coming to an
end and that his ‘day like a week’ is
about to commence. The evidence which emerges from the ‘system of meaning’ of
the subject is that the passage from a ‘day
like a month’ to a ‘day
like a week’ cannot occur without great wars which will result
in the loss of millions of lives. This is what occurred during the passage from
a ‘day like a year’ to
a ‘day like a month’.
When those wars do break out, and that
should sadly be soon, then those who consider this writer to be rightly-guided
(or at least not misguided) would understand what is happening in the world and
as a consequence should neither be confused nor enter into a state of despair.
They would also consider the following
present facts to be pertinent when answering the question which is the topic of
this essay:
Israel has not as yet established her
control over the Arab/Muslim world that surrounds the Euro-Jewish State;
The territory of the State of Israel has
not as yet expanded to encompass the frontiers of the Holy Land as (falsely)
delineated in the Torah;
Israel has not as yet replaced USA as the
ruling State in the world;
No Jew has as yet (i.e., in recent times)
proclaimed himself to be the Promised Messiah.
The evidence is therefore clear that Imām al-Mahdi cannot emerge at this
time. Such would be inconsistent with the ‘system of meaning’ which integrates
all End-Time data in a harmonious whole.
Our view, and Allah Knows best, is that
the Imām can only
emerge at that time when Dajjāl’s ‘day
like a week’ has come to an end and he has emerged in human form in our world
of space and time. This is so for the following reason:
A Hadīth in
the Sahīh of Imām al-Bukhāri informs us
that the advent of the Imām will
be contemporaneous with the return of Jesus (‘alaihi al-Salaam):
“How will you be (at
that time) when the son of Mary descends amongst you and your Imām will (at
that time) be from amongst yourselves (i.e., a Muslim).”
(Sahīh Bukhāri)
Those who wish to do so can hold the view
that a period for as long as 20 or 30 years can elapse between the advent of
the Imām and the
return of Jesus (‘alaihi al-Salām).
We hold a different view. We believe that the State of Israel - and the Gog and
Magog world-order which support that Euro-Jewish State - will respond with
desperate speed to the Imām’s appearance
in Makkah, and would attempt to eliminate him without delay. If this is true,
then as soon as the Imām makes
his appearance at the Holy Ka’aba and
proclaims himself to be the promised Imām,
events can be expected to move rapidly towards a confrontation with those who
control power in the world. That confrontation will eventually lead to a
personal confrontation between the Imām and Dajjāl as described in the Hadīth in Sahīh Muslim. That in turn, would be the
moment when Jesus (‘alaihi
al-Salām) will descend from the sky “with the hands resting on the wings of two angels”.
Our conclusion therefore, is that only a
brief period of time will elapse between the advent of the Imām and the return of Jesus (‘alaihi al-Salām).
Since we also argue that Jesus (‘alaihi al-Salām) will not return
until Dajjāl the
false Messiah has completed his mission and publicly claimed to be the Messiah,
it follows that the world may have to wait for at least another two or three
decades for the blessed Imām to
emerge and for events to then rapidly escalate until Jesus (‘alaihi al-Salām) returns, Dajjāl is killed, Gog and
Magog are destroyed, and Khilāfah is
restored in Jerusalem. And Allah Knows best!
Our gentle readers must strive to remain
ever vigilant during the time which remains before the Imām emerges, however long that may
be, not to be deceived by the false Imāms who
are certain to soon emerge, and who would faithfully follow in the misguided
footsteps of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani. I would be surprised if the Israeli
Mossad/CIA has not already groomed a suitable candidate.
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