Saturday, January 16, 2016

Benefits of Istigfaar (Seeking Forgiveness) from Allah Almighty

By: M.K.

As discussed in last week’s article, seeking forgiveness from The Ever Merciful Allah not only sheds away our sins but also opens door of His mercy in all aspects of a believer’s life. In this article, further elaboration will be provided on the types of benefits one can attain from regular performance of istigfaar in addition to a brief discussion on the stages of istigfaar.

Istigfaar is mandatory for all believers as it elevates a believer’s Marefat (recognition) a lot more compared to other acts of worship. The Holy Prophet (s) has illustrated achievement of full Marefat by saying, “My Lord! I have not recognized You as is Your right to be recognized. I have not been able to worship You as was Your right to be worshipped.”
When a believer becomes forgetful about istigfaar, his heart darkens by becoming overly polluted. And the preceding scenario has been referred to as a black heart in narrations. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s) says, “For human hearts, nothing is more harmful than a sin. When the mirror of heart becomes black because of sins, the blackness covers the entire soul. Then man tumbles down from his original position and gets separated from truth.”

Stages of Istigfaar
1.    The first stage constitutes turning away from Kufr (disbelief) and accepting Iman (faith). Here, a believer comes out of a doubtful state into that of trust as well as certainty. It can be considered similar to giving up Batil (false) belief system and accepting Haqq (truth).
2.    The second stage involves the sinner abandoning disobedience and turning towards obedience while also giving up on opposition.
3.    The third stage is where the believer walks out of the sinful atmosphere, turns to his Lord and acknowledges duties of his slavery towards Him. The believer busies himself in constant remembrance of his Lord and opposes injustice, oppression and unfaithfulness.
In context of the istigfaar stages, Imam Ali (a.s) says: “A sincere repentant: (1) is ashamed of his past sins (2) takes up the duties overlooked and fulfills them (3) makes good the willfully ignored conditions of a trust managed by him (4) forgives those who provoke him (5) does not demand repayment of loans from those who are in financial distress (6) makes firm determination not to sin ever again (7) surrenders his self to the adoration, devotion and service of Allah when it had swelled to the point of exploding due to inordinate consumption of worldly pleasures, transgression and disobedience.”

Benefits of Istigfaar
Istigfaar minus its accompanying benefits to a believer is itself considered a great invocation. A narration states that the Apostle of Allah, despite being Masoom (innocent) and not susceptible to committing any sins used to recite istigfaar hundred times every night. Thus, this act of worship is liked by both the Prophet (s) and Allah Almighty. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s) says, “The more one prays for pardoning of his sins, the more good deeds will be created in his account and on the Day of Judgment, his deeds will appear shining.” Performing Istigfaar has particularly been linked to increasing sustenance amidst other benefits. And there have been numerous traditions by Ahlul-bayt emphasizing just that. If a believer is undergoing financial distress, the Prophet (a.s) mentions that, “A man who is inflicted by poverty and hardship should recite ‘Astegferullah wa atubu ilaih’ thirty thousand times. The Lord Almighty will surely end his troubles.” The narrator of this tradition indicates it being a proven experience. Imam Ali (a.s) says, “The smell of sins is warded off by the fragrance of repentance. Seeking Allah’s forgiveness (Istigfaar) becomes the cause of enhancement of one’s substance.”

Istigfaar is a way to erase pride and adopt humility. Imam Zail-al-Abideen (a.s) says that, “A person who has the habit of saying, ‘Astegferullah rabbi wa atubu ilai’ will never be proud and conceited.” Istigfaar is a way to increase a believer’s virtues in front of Allah Almighty and He loves any believer who seeks forgiveness via performance of istigfaar. When a believer has committed a sin and turns to istigfaar, Allah Almighty becomes pleased and says, “My servant committed a sin and then he came to realize that he has a Lord who holds the sinner responsible and accountable, and also that He has a Lord who forgives the sins if asked for forgiveness. So let him be forgiven.”

Special significance has been placed on the merits of seeking forgiveness in the early morning hours (before daybreak). The Holy Quran highlights this significance at several instances. Allah Almighty says in Surah Zariyat, “They used to sleep but little in the night. And in the morning, they asked forgiveness” (17-18: 51). And Imam Ali (a.s) narrates Allah Almighty saying that, “Had there not been those who loved My Might and who filled My Mosques and those worshipped Me for forgiveness in the early hours of the dawn, I would certainly have chastised them.”

Holy Quran. Chapter 51. Verses 17-18.
“Invocation.” Accessed October 12, 2015.
“Islam Guidance.” Sibtayn International Foundation. October 11, 2015. Accessed October 12, 2015.
Syed, Akramulla. “Repentance in Islam (Tawbah, Taubah, Tobah), Seeking Forgiveness (Al-Istighfaar, Istighfar), Allah (SWT), Noble Prophet Muhammad (saw), Noble Qur’an.” March 30, 2015. Accessed October 12, 2015.
The Stages of Repentance (Tawba).” Imam Reza (A.S.) Network. Accessed October 12, 2015.

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