Saturday, December 26, 2015

Letter to Prophet Mohammad

By: Hussein Al-Rumaithi
O’ messenger of God, peace be upon you and your holy household. Please accept this letter from a Muslim and a follower of your religion, who has tons of grievances and grumbles about the status of your nation at the current time. Your follower want to tell you, what is your nation has become and how Muslims have repaid your years of mercy, preaching, and enlightenment with ignorance, violence and distorting your name. Your follower wants to tell you that you religion and nation is currently viewed and known as source of violence and instability, when the almighty lord states that you were sent upon this world as a mercy. Although, I truly believe you are fully aware of your nation’s conditions and its failures, but I am writing this letter to you as a fluttering mean, since the ears are sealed and the eyes are shut and apprehension is blocked.
O’ messenger of God, the moment you left this world, some of your companions attacked the house of your successor Ali Ibn Abi Talib and assaulted your daughter, Lady Fatima Al-Zahra and your religion was confiscated by a clan, which doesn’t fear the almighty.  Your holy Household were persecuted and slaughtered in the most vicious ways possible and their followers were labeled as rejecters. What did they reject? They rejected the treason against Islam and its prophet. They rejected the rule of tyrants and they rejected the violence and corruption, which was taking place in the name of your religion and you personally. Your successor Ali, was struck and assassinated during prayer in the mosque of Kufa, and your grandsons were poisoned and slaughtered and the women of your household, were taken as foreign captives to the (Caliph of Muslims) in Damascus.
O’ messenger of God, the rights, liberties and entitlement granted by Islam, which you preached during the 23 years of your prophecy, were stripped and taken away from Muslims. The respect, which granted to any human being was not longer, and humans were treated based on their allegiance to the Caliph and tyrants. The prisons were filled with innocents, the graveyards were filled with innocent souls, allies and roads of Muslim cities turned red from the blood spilled. The tyrants claimed, they were your successors and narrations distorting your merciful years were fabricated. They claim, you revealed to us the religion of slaughter and violence. They claim, you revealed to us the religion of beheading and you smiled every time an enemy was decapitated. They claim, you married a six years old child, and they claim, and claim and claim.
Yet, I read when you entered Mecca and a man shouted: Today is the day of revenge and slaughter, you replied: “No, say today is the day of mercy”. You entered Mecca without spilling a drop of blood and cutting a branch of a tree and demolishing a single brick of a building. You introduced to the world a covenant for co-existence and tolerance, when this world was governed by tyrants and savages, and you protected the rights of others and assured their right to exist and express.
O’ messenger of God, when it comes to intellect and knowledge, your nation has fallen behind and Muslims have become in need of everyone in all aspects of life, and yet no one needs them in any aspect of life. The current leaders of your nation and what are known as Muslim countries, are occupied with wealth accumulation, favoritism and corruption, which has forced Muslims to leave their lands and migrate elsewhere. O’ messenger of God, when other Muslims shut their doors in the face of oppressed Muslims, other have opened their doors and arms and welcomed them into their lands. The soul and life of a Muslim is worthless and your followers are being slaughtered by individuals claiming to be your followers as well.
O’ messenger of God, some of the scholars in your nation have brought more calamities and affliction upon Muslims than the people, who you battled during life. They preach violence, they preach intolerance, they preach ignorance and they have led many of your followers astray and to their doom’s day. These scholars legitimize terrorizing innocent people, and they legitimize violence and they legitimize taking the soul of a human, which God has stated: the dignity of a human’s soul is greater than the Ka’aba. Yet, when soldiers of darkness and terror carry their crimes, they shout the name of Allah and your holy name, and they claim, their actions portray your will and faith.
O’ messenger of God, the Islam that is presented today to the world is far from your Islam, yet it is still introduced as Islam of Mohammad. Therefore, I pledge that every breath of my life will go toward presenting the true Islam of Mohammad, and the righteous principles and values, which you revealed upon this universe. Knowledge and intellect will be my weapon, my belief, which is derived from your essence and principles, will be my strategy and peace, tranquility and prosperity will be my goals. It is said that a person reflects the actions and values of his/her love and affections. Therefore, I state that you are my love, as love and passion was defined by you and I will always reflect the principles you preached and presented to this world. You were sent as mercy to mankind and therefore, I shall be the reflection of that mercy within my world and surrounding.

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