Saturday, December 26, 2015

Imam Ali Ibn Al Hussain, Zainul Abedeen (a.s)

The Shi’ite Imam, Ali Ibn Al Hussain Zainul Abedeen (a.s) was born on 5th Shabaan (year 38 of Hijra) to Imam Hussain (a.s), the third Shi’ite Imam and Shahr Bano, the daughter of King Yazdjerd III who was the last Sasanid persian emperor. Imam Zainul Abedeen’s (a.s) first two years of infancy were spent in the lap of his grandfather, Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s) and the following twelve years were spent with his uncle, Imam Hasan (a.s). In 60 Hijri, his father, Imam Hussain (a.s) left Medina for Mecca in order to carry out the journey to Karbala. And, Imam Zainul Abedeen (a.s) accompanied his father for this journey. In Karbala, all male children of Imam Ali (a.s) and Hussain (a.s) were martyred with the exception of Imam Zainul Abedeen (a.s) who survived the massacre due to not being able to participate in the holy war (jihad) as a result of being ill. Imammate had to continue and so, on 10th Muharram (61 Hijri), he became the fourth Imam.
The brutality of the oppressive Ummayad ruler, Yazid had Imam Zainul Abedeen (a.s) being taken as captive and brought to Kufa, and then Damascus in chains along with other Karbala survivors. It is worth looking into the dialogue between the Imam (a.s) and Yazid post-Karbala tragedy. When Imam Zainul Abedeen (a.s) faced Yazid in his court, Yazid insulted him by saying that the Imam’s father, Hussain (a.s) had wasted his life by refusing to pledge allegiance to Yazid. However, despite being ill and confronting this manner of humiliation by the Ummayad ruler, the Imam (a.s) replied that his father’s sacrifice in Karbala was for the sake of saving the religion of Islam. To this, Yazid wondered how Islam had been saved and once the time for prayer had set in, the Adhan came and a Muezzin called out from the minaret (mosque tower), “I bear witness that Muhammad (s) is the Messenger of Allah.” The Imam (a.s) then said to Yazid, “This is the way Islam was saved.” Yazid ordered his swordsmen to murder the young Imam (a.s), however he was saved again by the intervention of his aunt, Zainab (a.s). Yazid’s cruelty did not stop here however and the Imam (a.s) along with his family (a.s) was imprisoned thereafter for a year. Consequently, the Imam (a.s) spent his first year of Imammate in a prison where he was cut off from the followers of his father and unable to carry out his religious affairs.
Holy Imam Zainul Abedeen (a.s) lived for thirty-four years after the martyrdom of his father, Hussain (a.s). And throughout his life, he established a meritorious status, which was true of a divine infallible. Most of his time was spent praying and supplicating to God and for this reason, he acquired the title of ‘Sajjad’ (Worshipper of Allah). These prayers and supplications were later compiled into a book by his companions, which was named ‘Al Saheefa el Sajjadiya.’ During the reign of the Ummayad ruler, Quranic teachings and those taught by the Prophet’s (s) family (a.s) were not allowed. Therefore, via supplications, the followers of Imam (a.s) learned about the relationship between God and His people. Enhancement of knowledge about God cannot occur in ordinary language but in the language of prayer, man is able to relate himself to his Creator in humility.
Imam Zainul Abeeden’s (a.s) spent his entire life helping people of Medina. He was witnessed stepping out into the night with a sack of bread to feed the hungry. Those people never found out the identity of their helper until after the Imam (a.s) passed away. His account for pilgrimages in the holy city of Mecca is admirable as well for all believers. In his lifetime, he performed thirty pilgrimages after the Karbala event, sometimes on a camel’s back and other times, solely on foot. In addition, his life after the massacres in Karbala was spent in grief. He was seen weeping and crying for the atrocities that had been committed to his family members. In fact, it is said that sometimes when he would fill a glass with water to drink, the water would soil with his tears so much that he was unable to drink it. When people asked him why he wept profusely, the Imam (a.s) replied that the Ahlul-bayt (a.s) have got martyrdom in their inheritance.
The Imam (a.s) and his aunt, Zainab (a.s) held gatherings (Majlis) in the city of Medina to spread awareness among the people about the tragedies that took place in Karbala. This method threatened the Ummayad’s cruel regime as people became more aware of Yazid’s heinous acts and the message of Imam’s (a.s) father, Hussain (a.s). And so, the Imam suffered a death via poisoning and passed away on 25th of Muharram (95 Hijri).

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