Saturday, December 26, 2015

Humanity without Borders


United We Stand In The Face Of Terror

Official Statement by Shia Wisdom
Beirut, Baghdad, Afghanistan and Paris are in mourning and sorrow following the deadly attacks on innocent people, which took the lives of many in these countries. These ruthless attacks and barbaric crimes had one thing in common, which assured us terrorism knows and recognizes no borders and boundaries. Terrorism doesn’t distinguish between religions, ethnicities and races. Therefore, it is time for humanity to prevail and announce that it has no borders either and doesn’t distinguish between faiths, ethnicities and races either. The forces of terror and barbarism have united against humanity to spread fear and hatred, which mandates the humanity to unite and give a clear statement: Humanity, peace, tranquility, co-existence and hope will prevail and terror will parish, as this world will always place its differences aside, when it comes to violence.
Once again terrorism has struck its dagger in the back of humanity and left the world in a state of shock. However, the past few days must be a reminder for the entire humanity that sources of violence and terrorism are known and still operate in full scale. The sponsors of terrorism and radicalism are still considered as legitimate political entities, with global acknowledgement.
Whether, Al Qaeda, Al Nusra Front, ISIS or any other terrorist group around the world, who are carrying these vicious acts of terrorism, it must be acknowledged that as long as the ideological and financial sources are operative, these actions will continue. Therefore, now it has become the responsibility of entire humanity to condemn the Wahhabi school and its state-sponsors, which have only brought sorrow, pain and instability for this world. States like Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other terrorist sponsoring regimes must be held responsible for their actions and sponsorship of radicalism and terrorism.
It is time for humanity to demand their governments to boycott these regimes and mandate immediate and fundamental change and reforms. Humanity and global governments must acknowledge that as long as these states are ideologically and financially supporting and sponsoring these terrorist groups, the fight against terror is meaningless and endless. How many more innocent lives must be taken, how many more children and women must be violated, how many more victims are needed to take action?
The fight against tyranny, oppression and terrorism can not only be won through military battle, as these groups have derived their philosophy and approach from an ideology, which seeks to eliminate anything and anyone, who is different. Therefore, prior to militarily marching against these groups, we must begin the ideological battle against them, and show them that logic, intellect and justice is only compatible with peace and acceptance of others. Imam Ali (P.B.U.H) states in a beautiful narration: “the ultimate ignorance lays in hostility toward people”.
In addition, it is important for western societies, western scholars and governments to employ all means for distinguishing the difference between the Islam and the cult of Wahhabism, as this ideology relates to Islam in no way and manners. However, Muslims are faced with an increasing necessity that mandates introducing the true essence of Prophet Mohammad and his holy household’s principles. Muslims are responsible for introducing humanity to true meaning of peace, acceptance, justice and co-existence under the teachings and principles of Mohammad and Ali. Prophet of Islam rejected violence and physical elimination, as he states in a narration: “if the entire humanity and residents of the skies are partners in spilling an innocent life, God will take them all to hell”. Therefore, if Muslims are truly determined to end Islamophobia and hatred toward them, they must start with themselves and eliminate the slightest indication that their religion legitimizes terror and violence.
Finally, Shia Wisdom and its staff send their thoughts and prayers to the families of those, who have fallen in Beirut, Baghdad and Paris, and may we all live to see the day that peace and tranquility prevails in this world and no innocent live is even taken.

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